
Capstone Project

2018 –  Web App

web react nodejs graphql sendgrid mysql

OurGroup was designed and built by several Conestoga College students as a Capstone project in the final year of the Computer Programmer/Analyst program.

Keeping a group up-to-date should be easy!

Our capstone project for the Computer Programmer/Analyst program revolved around creating a web app "replacement" for Google Groups. Wanting to apply the concepts I had picked up during my co-op experiences, we decided to focus on a web stack completely untaught in our course. Utilizing a foundation of React and NodeJS, we implemented a simple web app to manage group members and messages and send emails (using SendGrid). We also implemented a GraphQL API with a corresponding Apollo client, which proved to be an interesting experience. While we did bring the project to a state of completion (finishing second in the competition), the project was abandoned after graduation.
